Doclexi – “Find numbers” exercise Exercise B4 Tracking – find all the same numbers and learn to track from left to right and top to bottom.
Category: ENG
Find letters!
Identify Letters: Doclexi – “Find letters” exercise,Exercise B3, Find target letters Exercise B3, Find target letter mixed with similarly shaped letters
Balanced score system.
Online-administration to configure and follow progress via PC browser • Administer user accounts • Define individual training plans • Comprehensive statistics, e.g. also comparing to other children • Alarms to easier control performance and activity
Find letters to create a word!
Exercise B1 Learning the names of letters presented out of order.
Individual Training Plan
DocLexi: Learn to Read & Spell – Individual Training Plan Training Plan Brain skills needed to overcome dyslexia: Memory: immediate (short term) & working memory & long term memory Sequential Skills Visual Processing Auditory ProcessingContinue reading